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younggodpapi • an hour ago
I understand artists can reach the masses so it's easy to attack them, but what I don't get is with all these "Satanic" artists and videos and the whole industry why don't people try and expose the real crooks. If Satan is a deceiver than he's also DECEIVING you through these puppets.

You know what's really fucked up? The elite and so called 1%. They're profiting off all of the bull shit, but yet no one wants to talk about white collar crimes and financial frauds that are really occuring, or how the land is being stripped of natural resources simply for profit.

All these guys wanna do is talk about how Artists are devil worshipers. You realize if they are, then the labels that run them are doing far worse than the artists. You don't destroy a tree by grabbing at the fruit. You take out the roots.
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Ray James younggodpapi • 32 minutes ago
The idea of exposing the source of corruption is nothing new, in fact you can go to youtube right now and find plenty of conspiracy theorist who attempt to unravel these mysteries. The thing is, what's the real point of it all? What's the end goal, and is it useful to the collective conscious? In order to actually emerge out of this dark era where we are controlled by ego's and greed, we have to uplift our own selves. Recognize true worth, and prioritize what's actually important for our development as an intelligent species. In the grand scale of things we are babies in comparison to what we will become.
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seeker manifest Ray James • 27 minutes ago
Yeah you're exactly right but look at the level of consciousness human beings possess as a whole, the road to divinity is now only an individual goal, collectively we don't have the capacity to come together unless humans on a grand scale are effected, I used to think unity consciousness was possible but it seems we aren't ready to sacrifice our egoic ways to become sound again death sometimes seems better than life heaven on earth should come but I learned something the mind in which we seek is the mind in which we connect